Archiving Conference at the National Archives building Washington DC

Imaging society organizes Archiving Conference to be held at the National Archives building on Constitution Ave.

Dates: 2 – 5 April 2013

Background: This is the 10th Annual Archiving Conference, organized by the Soc. for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). Previous meetings have also been held in San Antonio, Ottawa, The Hague, and last year in Copenhagen. The conference brings together imaging scientists and engineers, and those working in the cultural heritage community (curators, archivists, librarians, etc.). The focus is on the topics related to the digital preservation and stewardship of hardcopy, audio, and video. Anticipated attendance is about 200.

What is interesting this year? Two keynote talks and a CURATEcamp Unconference

1. Identification of previously unidentified remains of American Korean War casualties.

Doug Munson, (Chicago Albumen Works) will describe the restoration of historical photographic material. The project is for the US military, based in Hawaii, and has been used in the identification of previously unidentified remains of American Korean War casualties through recovery of acetate x-rays. Carl Stephan (Forensic Anthropologist from Univ. of Queensland, Australia), who has worked with the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), will also speak.

2.  The Presidential Memorandum on Managing Government Records

Paul Wester, the Chief Records Officer for the US Government, will discuss efforts to reform records management practices throughout the US Federal Government.

3. CURATEcamp Unconference: Digitized / Born Digital Together

A CURATECAMP brings individuals together to discuss topics they define. For this special condensed version, the theme is Digitized / Born Digital Together. The theme was selected to take advantage of Archiving 2013’s rich combination of experts — those working in imaging and digital curation within the cultural, academic, and industry sectors.

The ‘unconference’ format of CURATECAMP encourages attendees to identify and discuss the issues they care about the most, leading to progress on solving real problems. Two key ideas are that participants define the agenda and that there are no spectators. Everyone who comes should plan on actively participating in and helping to lead discussions. For more information on CURATECAMP, how it works, and past topics visit

Conference website:


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