Burns, P. D.,. Image Quality Concepts. Handbook of Digital Imaging, ed. M. Kriss, John Wiley and Sons, 327-371, 2014
John Wiley and Sons, in collaboration with IS&T, have published the Handbook of Digital imaging in three volumes,
1. Image Capture & Storage
2. Image Display and Reproduction
3. Imaging System Applications
All are available in print and on line.
Michael Kriss edited Volume 1 and contributed as an author. I also wrote a chapter, Image Quality Concepts, which turned out to be more work than I expected. The challenge, of course, is to choose important concepts and explain them simply and clearly – just enough maths and acronyms. A quotation by Einstein comes to mind. The chapter is offered free on line.
Handbook of Digital Imaging Volume I: Image Capture and Storage
Table of Contents:
- Digital Versus Analog Imaging, Michael Kriss
- Optics for Digital Imaging, Peter B. Catrysse
- Solid-State Image Sensors, Boyd Fowler
- Digital Imaging: An Introduction to Image Processing, Michael Kriss
- Color Reproduction for Digital Cameras, Michael Kriss
- Image Compression and File Formats, Michael Kriss
- Image Quality Concepts (free), Peter D. Burns
- Image Systems Simulation, Joyce E. Farrell and Brian A. Wandell
- Multispectral Imaging, Yoichi Miyake and Vladimir A. Bochko
- Understanding Glare and How it Limits Scene Reproduction, Alessandro Rizzi and John J. McCann
Peter Burns