Congratulations to Alessandro Rizzi, who received the 2015 Davies Medal from The Royal Photographic Society, for significant contributions in the digital field of imaging science
Upon refraction …
Seeing is not always believing
While in Lisbon two weeks ago, I was struck by this illusion of waves in Rossio Square (which many others have noted, of course). Even when standing on the flat surface, things appear undulating if you look away from your feet.
What I also find as interesting, when reviewing my photos is the impression that the walking family appears to have been added from another image. That being my ‘explanation’ for the illusion. They were not. Seeing is not always believing.
Imaging Guidelines, FADGI and Archiving 2016
Imaging Performance for Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for measurement of imaging performance are often presented at IS&T’s Conferences, and Archiving 2016 will be no exception. Recent developments have included US FADGI (Federal Agencies Digital Guidelnes Initiative), led by the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Services. In addition, National Library of the Netherlands has publish the Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines.
FADGI Comments Invited: An updated version was posted for comments a few days ago. According to the editor, Tom Rieger ( US Library of Congress), ‘Our goal is to create a system that can be easily understood and implemented … from the largest institutions to the smallest historical societies.’
FADGI & Courses at Archiving 2016: These guidelines and imaging standards, and how they are applied will be covered in short courses presented by Don Williams and me at the conference next April in Washington DC. We have fun presenting and leading a seminar-style discussion.
More Information:
Archiving 2016
FADGI Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials
Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines
Archiving 2016 and Multispectral Imaging
IS&T is organizing the Archiving 2016 Conference, to held in Washington DC next April. Topics range from creating and managing collections, to technology and standards for digital (e.g. images) objects. The abstract deadline in 4 Oct. 2015. Info. here

UV image reveals regions of the Magna Carta
Multispectral Imaging : One topic for this conference is multispectral imaging. For example, at Archiving 2015, Fanella France (US Library of Congress) presented on Integrated Heritage Science Datasets. These often include multispectral image records, and the results of technical analyses based on them.
British Library: Results from multispectral imaging of the 800 year old Magna Carta were on display at the recently completed exhibition at the British Library. This was carried out by the Centre for Conservation and the Scientific Research Lab., and is described by Christina Duffy, here.
The Laboratory uses a MegaVison (exhibitor at Archiving 2015) camera with 14 spectral bands from near ultraviolet to near infrared.
Connection: Archiving 2016 will be held in the Archives 1 Building in Washington DC, where the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are displayed. Both were influenced by the Magna Carta and part of the Magna Carta: Law Liberty, Legacy exhibition. I was rather surprised that two of King John’s teeth were also on display in London. I understand they were removed post-mortem, so they are not the result of early English dentistry.
Further information:
Archiving 2016 Conference, 19-22 April 2016
US Labrary of Congress, Multi- and Hyperspectral Imaging
IS&T’s Archiving 2016 and Minneapolis’ Past
IS&T will again be organizing the Archiving 2016 Conference in Washington DC next April. Topics range from creating and managing collections, to technology and standards for digital (e.g. images) objects. The abstract deadline in 4 Oct. 2015. Info. here
Case Studies: Conference discussions will also include case studies from large and small institutions and municipalities. A good example of which is the effort to organize and digitize the historical material from the old Minneapolis Municipal Information Library, which closed in 2003.
The project was lead by Josh Schaffer, Minneapolis city records manager. The posted material is thanks in part to students from St. Catherine University’s library and information science program and the city’s Urban Scholars summer internship program . Here is the article from MPRnews
Unusual Examples from those posted on flickr
– Putting out fires in front of crowds of nuns
– Fire engines full of clowns
– The search for Miss Fire Fighter 1958
and I also recommend checking out the collection of aerial views of the city.
Photos. courtesy of City of Minneapolis Archives
Image Quality and System Performance at EI 2016 – invitation
IS&T’s Electronic Imaging Symposium 2016 will be held 14-18 Eeb. 2016 in San Francisco, and is now accepting submissions to present and publish your work. The invitation to participate in the Image Quality and System Performance Conference is here.
As you will see, suggested topics include three general areas
- Image quality objective and subjective evaluation
- Performance measurement and modeling
- Standards for image quality and system performance
For presentation and publication, the submission deadline is 15 July 2015
More information on the symposium and other conferences within the symposium is available here
Archiving 2015 Crossword Puzzle
For your consideration.
1 Sets international colour standards
3 Another name for an imaging test target (rhymes with cart)
6 Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (acronym)
9 From the books (Latin)
10 Multi-headed snake
11 This core is not named after an Irish city
13 Craquelures are seen in this type of painting
14 Monochrome, color, multi spectral, ____ spectral
16 When describing opportunities for funding, a speaker was heard to say ‘I smell a _____’
18 Before there was digital, there was _____
1 Care and feeding of collections
2 Site of Archiving 2014
4 Document format that is both human and machine readable, used across the Internet
5 (initials)
7 For imaging projects it is good to ‘scan but ______’
8 Suggested US federal imaging practice for heritage imaging
12 Information about a dataset is often called _____data
14 ‘Trusted’ shared digital repository
15 Den Haag in English, The _______
17 Oldest photographic society (initials)
Evaluation of 3D-Projecton Image Capture
Presentation at IS&T’s Archiving 2015 Conference at the Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
To request full proceedings paper, please request using comment form below.
– Peter Burns
Handbook of Digital Imaging: Image Quality Chapter

Burns, P. D.,. Image Quality Concepts. Handbook of Digital Imaging, ed. M. Kriss, John Wiley and Sons, 327-371, 2014
John Wiley and Sons, in collaboration with IS&T, have published the Handbook of Digital imaging in three volumes,
1. Image Capture & Storage
2. Image Display and Reproduction
3. Imaging System Applications
All are available in print and on line.
Michael Kriss edited Volume 1 and contributed as an author. I also wrote a chapter, Image Quality Concepts, which turned out to be more work than I expected. The challenge, of course, is to choose important concepts and explain them simply and clearly – just enough maths and acronyms. A quotation by Einstein comes to mind. The chapter is offered free on line.
Handbook of Digital Imaging Volume I: Image Capture and Storage
Table of Contents:
- Digital Versus Analog Imaging, Michael Kriss
- Optics for Digital Imaging, Peter B. Catrysse
- Solid-State Image Sensors, Boyd Fowler
- Digital Imaging: An Introduction to Image Processing, Michael Kriss
- Color Reproduction for Digital Cameras, Michael Kriss
- Image Compression and File Formats, Michael Kriss
- Image Quality Concepts (free), Peter D. Burns
- Image Systems Simulation, Joyce E. Farrell and Brian A. Wandell
- Multispectral Imaging, Yoichi Miyake and Vladimir A. Bochko
- Understanding Glare and How it Limits Scene Reproduction, Alessandro Rizzi and John J. McCann
Peter Burns